Utilizza il nostro booking on-line per noleggiare il tuo veicolo.
Travelling is so much easier when there’s someone you can trust and who can give you a hand.
For this reason, we have come up with an array of optional services for you to choose from, all of which are guaranteed to make your life easier:
- online rental booking: very useful for getting the vehicle you want when you want it; with online booking, you can be sure you’ll get exactly what you want, with no surprises
- carefree daily insurance: get peace of mind from just €10 per day! With our insurance, you’ll be covered against all damages, including theft. Moreover, you’ll benefit from an immediate discount on the deposit and you can even make payments by debit card
- luggage storage: want to travel light? For just €5 per day, you can store your luggage with us as you head off in search of adventure
- supervised parking: the comfort of having your vehicle just a stone’s throw away. Just park, cross the road and forget about it – with our CCTV system, you can be sure we’ll take care of the vehicle
- car wash: come back to a clean, sanitised, shiny vehicle. Choose the option you prefer: from effective, rapid Tunnel car washing, ideal for bodywork, to the internal option, which sanitises the interior
- kiosk: much more than just a snack! Ours is a very well-stocked little kiosk, and we offer plenty of packaged snacks, drinks and ice cream; for those who want to eat at the table, we have a range of exquisite hot dishes – barbeque-cooked meats, chips, salads and much more besides, all washed down by an ice-cold beer and a glass of fine wine. We are open throughout the summer, with more than 100 seats available outdoors and under the gazebos, but we also stay open during the winter, making us the perfect choice of venue for special events like birthdays and even karaoke nights, when the fun just never stops!
- refuelling: can’t bring the vehicle back to us with a full tank? We can do it for you for a one-off charge of €25 (in addition to the cost of the fuel required to fill the tank back up). One less thing to worry about, whatever happens
- we’ll bring the car to you*: can’t collect the vehicle from us? In certain cases, we can agree on the place and time, and we’ll bring it to you so that you can just sit back and relax.
Here at S.R. Noleggi, we always go the extra mile to make you feel right at home. You think about your trip, we’ll deal with all the rest.